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Writer's pictureAlexis Miller

Frustrated Finding Staff Who’ll Stay? Get New Strategies That Actually Work

Frustrated Finding Staff Who’ll Stay? Get New Strategies That Actually Work

Frustrated Finding Staff Who’ll Stay? Get New Strategies That Actually Work

As an employer, are you frustrated with finding staff that will actually stay and work for your business? Our team at Juvo Jobs talks with employers on a daily basis who experience hiring woes. So… what’s the deal? In this blog, we’ve got some strategies to help you deal with the stress of all things ~hiring.~

The Problem with the Hourly Workforce

The ‘Typical’ Hourly Worker

There’s no denying that the ‘typical hourly worker’ looks a little different these days. With millions of older workers retiring early due to the pandemic, the new demographic of hourly workers is composed of Millennials and Gen Z-ers and a plethora of new expectations.

Different Expectations

These days, it seems like Millennials and Gen Z-ers get a bad rep for not being as tolerable to certain working conditions. In fact, it’s proven that they expect higher wages, better benefits, more flexibility, and won’t jump through as many hoops when getting hired. In fact, 73% of applicants will abandon a job application if it takes them longer than 15 minutes! It’s important to find ways to attract these types of workers, including going 100% digital in your hiring, offering a true work/life balance, or highlighting your business’ social responsibilities.

The Struggle of Finding Loyal Workers

The ‘No One Wants to Work’ Struggle Bus

We’ve all heard it- “No one wants to work these days-” and while in some cases it may be true, it’s actually not as accurate as you might think.

No One Want to Work- How to Combat

Last year, there were 76.1 million hourly workers, representing more than half (55.8%) of all U.S. workers. So, why can’t employers find enough workers to meet demand? In some cases, it’s due to the pandemic (like everything else it seems…). Frontline, hourly workers had to come in to work every. single. day. Yet, salaried workers didn’t. Can somebody say burnout? Also, a big reason why people claim to not be able to find the workers they need is because there ‘literally’ isn’t enough workers. The labor force shrank among age groups 16-24 (the historical entry-level talent pool) from 2010-2020. Because of the low supply, workers have the upper hand and can now control and negotiate things like benefits, or simply work across the street for higher wages.

Where is the Work Ethic?

Sometimes, the problem isn’t finding people to work, it’s getting them to show up. Once employers find the help they need, they’re often ghosted (tips on how to deal with that HERE). Did you know- Location is the primary factor of employee retention. If your employees live far away, they’re more likely to quit, so make sure you’re sticking to your local talent pool.

A Clean Slate- Refresh Your Hiring Strategies

Simplify, Simplify, SIMPLIFY!

Take your current game plan for hiring and let’s reevaluate. Ask yourself, “Can I shorten my job descriptions, change my pay rates, or update my requirements?” The answer is always yes. Simplifying your hiring is the best way to go. Most of the time, your job description doesn’t require all the extra fluff, (no one reads it anyways) so key in on the important factors like “6 weeks PTO.” You know, the good stuff that your workers actually care about.

Focus on Speed

Did you know- Speed is the number one competitive advantage when it comes to hiring? Candidates are most likely to take the job from the employer who responds first.

Speed-  I am Speed

We get it- life gets busy, especially as a small business owner, but staying on top of hiring is going to benefit you in the long run. Even big box retailers like UPS, Gap, and The Home Depot are shortening their hiring process by cutting out interviews to get people in their doors faster than ever before. Maybe you can get rid of your interviewing process, or cut out other areas altogether to speed things along.

Location MATTERS

You may not think you need to compete with Joe down the street for workers because you offer a unique product or have a niche job, but you DO! Chances are, people just want a job that’s close to home, no matter the skill set (in the hourly world). Our advice? Look up what every employer on your street is paying their employees and compete. If you can’t compete, to put it bluntly, you can’t survive. It’s a jungle out there. You’ve also got to understand that job boards aren’t focused on giving you local workers, so finding an alternative to help you do that is going to be the key.

Recognize Change

The hourly hiring climate is changing. Far and few between are the days of finding your trusty employee that works from sun up to sun down with no complaints that’s stayed at your business for 25 years. Once you accept that, you need to appeal to the younger generations.

Use social media to advertise your jobs or even just your business! 58% of job seekers search for info about potential employers on social media and 48% of both Gen Z and Millennials with work experience have applied to jobs they found on social media. Everything is digital in this day and age- let your hiring reflect that. Use texting instead of calling to communicate with your workers and applicants. Take your hiring process exclusively online or make it easy to fill out forms on smartphones. Besides- killing trees for the paperwork is so last century.

Use sociaal media to help advertise your jobs and business

It’s Okay to Ask For Help

When you feel like the world is falling apart and there is no end in sight to the horrors of hiring good people, use your network to ask for help. Ask other business owners in your area how they’re tackling hiring and where they’re finding employees. Ask your network by joining hiring groups to see if they have any recommendations.

If you’re still at a loss, ask the hiring pros. Although Google may seem like the best place for advice these days, sometimes it’s best to leave it to the experts. Listen to HR podcasts, read blogs written by industry professionals, or reach out to the Juvo Jobs team to get specialized help for you and your business.

A Final Note- Be Happy

You know the saying, “If momma ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy?” The same phrase applies to the workroom- ‘If the manager ain’t happy, nobody is happy.’ If you’re really struggling to pay competitive wages, you have to maintain positive energy in the workplace. Reward your employees, listen to their needs, and be the manager you would want your kids to work for.

While you may not be able to give them $20/hour, maybe you can pay for their daily commute via a gas gift card or a reloadable train pass. If you hire mostly college students, maybe you’ll agree to write them an outstanding recommendation or offer college credit for a summer job. Maybe it’s as simple as gifting them their favorite pair of shoes on a random Tuesday or bringing in their favorite lunch. People quit their boss, not their job. If this article has taught you nothing else, remember, always strive to be a great manager and the loyal workers will follow.

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Frustrated Finding Staff? Get New Strategies


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